During my childhood, one of the huge questions I always had in my mind was my father’s sleeping that how peacefully put his head on the pillow and falls asleep. The next subject is something every boy is proud of and somehow expect the hero of his life to have is physical strength. I confess even at the peak of my youth when my father was a middle-aged guy, I didn’t have a quarter of his physical power.
The reason behind all of this is tough and continuous constructional work. My father is well known for being tireless, insistent, and speedy in his work. Even though he broke his arm while working and had to place a platinum piece in his arm, He’s still a workaholic and a hard worker. Most of the time he’s upstairs, on the roof of the house or the car or with a board under his feet; otherwise he’s heading downstairs.
I believe there are two reasons for his method of life. One is him being such a family-loving person and the other one is a difficult condition of living in s cold a mountaineer country like Taleghan.
The love he has for his family was the reason he came to Hashtgerd every night despite his exhaustion just to visit us and he would go back to Taleghan for work early morning; but we use to go and visit him on weekends.
Living condition in Taleghan is irregular due to the seasonal work. If you don’t supply yourself with food during summer, you’re going to die from hunger during winter. My father doesn’t waste a second in a day and even in his leisure time, he would visit the mechanic and help to fix his car faster so he can work more. My father and I are so different.
وقتی بچه بودم یکی از سوالای بزرگ ذهنم ، خوابيدن بابا بود. اينكه چهطور انقدر راحت سرشو رو بالش میذاره و همون لحظه خوابش میبره. موضوع بعدی، چیزیه كه هر پسری بهش مینازه و يه جورايی از قهرمان زندگيش توقع داره، اونم زور و بازوئه، اعتراف میکنم حتی الان كه من تو اوج جوونیم و بابا تو میانسالی، قدرت بدنیم، يك سوم باباست. همهی اينا يه دليل داره، كار سنگين و بیوقفهی ساختمونی. جوریکه بابا توی كار زبانزد همه است، هم از لحاظ خسته نشدن و پشتکار و هم چابكی. بابا انقدر كار كردن رو دوست داره كه حتي با اينكه دستش توي كار شكست و پلاتيني شد باز هم كار سخت ميكرد.
كلا بابا يا بالاست (شيرووني يا ماشين يا تخته زير پا) يا داره مي پره پايين. من دوتا دليل تو اين رويهی زندگيش میبینم، یکی خانواده دوست بودن زيادش و اون یکی هم، شرايط سخت زندگی توی شهرستان سرد و کوهستانیای مثل طالقان. علاقه به خانواده باعث شده، اكثر شبا با وجود خستگی زيادش برای سر زدن به ما تا هشتگرد بياد و صب زود دوباره برای کار برگرده طالقان. البته آخر هفتهها ما مهمون بابا هستیم. شرايط زندگی تو طالقان هم بهخاطر فصلی بودن كار، قانون نانوشتهای داره، اگه تابستون توشهات رو جمع نكنی، زمستون از گشنگی میمیری. بابا تو طول روز يه ثانيه هم هدر نمیده و حتی زمانهايی كه کاری نداره هم میره مكانيكی، كمك ميكنه تا ماشينش زودتر آماده شه تا بازم بتونه كار كنه. من و بابا خيلي فرق داريم.