Single Boats

The power of sea is not concealed from anyone, sometimes it’s strong enough to infiltrate the cities and coastal cities. On my last trip to Bandarabbas which is in the south of Iran the alleys along the shore were exposed to this power …I saw boats that were left alone like they were in the middle of the sea and those remind me our loneliness and each boat was sign of a life that once has been through all these turbulence of the sea. Seeing all these boats call the passing of life to my mind till that moment, and ultimately the loneliness that we can never escape.
Jan. 2020

قدرت دریا بر کسی نهفته نیست گاهی اوقات‏ این قدرت آنقدر زیاد است که به ساحل و شهرهای ساحلی هم نفوذ می کند. در آخرین سفری که به شهر بندرعباس در جنوب ایران داشتم کوچه پس کوچه‌های ساحل هم از این قدرت دریا بی نصیب نمانده بود… قایق هایی را می دیدم که در آنجا همچون در وسط دریا تک و تنها رها شده بودند و باز تنهایی تو را بهت یادآور می شدند و هر قایق نشانه ای بود از زندگی‌ای که روزگاری بر همه تلاطم‌های دریا عمر خود را بر آن گذرانده بود. دیدن این قایق ها تداعی عمر سپری شده تا این لحظه و در نهایت تنهایی‌ که هیچ کداممان از آن گریزی نخواهیم داشت.

Single boats

The power of sea is not concealed from anyone, sometimes it’s strong enough to infiltrate the cities and coastal cities. On my last trip to Bandarabbas which is in the south of Iran the alleys along the shore were exposed to this power …I saw boats that were left alone like they were in the middle of the sea and those remind me our loneliness and each boat was sign of a life that once has been through all these turbulence of the sea. Seeing all these boats call the passing of life to my mind till that moment, and ultimately the loneliness that we can never escape.  

Jan. 2020